My Granddaughter turned 3 this year. My middle daughter, her aunt lives in the State of Washington and so mailed her gift. I arrived the day of her birthday party. When Brenna opened her gift from Aunt Angela she found a Fairy outfit, because she love Tinkerbell and all the fairies of Pixie Hallow. Since Angela is now living in the Rainy state she had to include Pok-a-dot Rubber boots. So being three one must wear it all, Purple Fairy outfit and Rain boots. The Wings were a little heavy for the fabric of the dress, so I held them up by pulling the fabric a little tighter and using a Clothes Pin. She was calling me from the sun porch and I looked up to see a sweet little Fairy looking at me. I had to have a picture of that! Then when I went into the sun porch she still was looking through the door and I caught her back with the boots and cloth pin. Her mom (my oldest daughter Danielle) said she looks like Altered Art!